Wednesday, February 25, 2009

,,,,,,moViE MaKeR,,,,

In making our movie maker I discovered the use of Movie Maker and I learned how to put an images, music, effects and lyrics.
There are also problems that I encountered in making our movie I don't know how to add video and music in our movie.
I address this problem by asking my teacher and cheatm8's hahahahaha...
Moving on I will do my best to have a better future,.:)

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

/////???hahaha..: )....

J.S. Prom is the happiest experience of the 3rd and 4th year level. All juniors and seniors are excited to attend this activity.
When it comes the month of February, Juniors and Seniors are excited, and busy finding their outfits.
February 13 is the day of our prom, the JSP started with a prominade, then follow with the search for Mr. and Ms. JS Prom. After the programs they dance. I did not dance because is was hmmmm...bastah.... I also enjoy because I saw my crush. hahahahah:).......